Who is authorized to use survey data?
LSSPSQ data are accessible to the entire scientific community, including researchers, students and research professionals.
Researchers must hold a Ph.D., or its equivalent, and have an employment relationship with a public organization;
Students must be enrolled in a program of study, and research professionals must be under contract with a public organization.
How can I access the data?
Interested parties should e-mail the database access request form to the database coordinator.
Who are the contact persons?
The data bank is under the responsibility of Marie-Christine Saint-Jacques, Ph. D. Questions and data bank access request forms can be forwarded to the LSSPSQ coordinator.
What can you expect once your request has been approved?
Once your access request has been authorized, you will receive a link allowing you to download an encrypted file compressed by collection time containing :
An introductory document to the database
The various data files (parent, child, step-parent and income);
Variable dictionaries
Parent and step-parent questionnaires;
Variable operationalization documents (In French only).
The survey methodology can be consulted via the following hyperlink: https://www.pulaval.com/livres/la-separation-parentale-et-la-recomposition-familiale-dans-la-societe-quebecoise-les-premiers-moments (In Frech only)
Please note!
It is the responsibility of applicants to develop their skills in order to understand and use the database.